live bird Chicken cage washer
live bird Cage washer

live bird Chicken cage washer

live bird crate washing system
Can be made into an automatic line cleaning system according to the user's needs


Chicken-cage-washer,live-bird-crate-washing-machine is a set of automatic cleaning systems developed for chicken slaughtering plants, which can replace manual labor and save costs for enterprises.

live bird Chicken cage washer

high-pressure cleaning parts

automatic splitting

automatic stacking

the artificial intelligent control module

electronic distance measuring system


1. The operator transfers the crates and live chickens transported by the truck to the mobile conveyor line, placing three groups of 9 chicken cages in each group.
2. Chicken crates automatically enter the splitting mechanism and disassemble into independent units
3. On the stainless steel conveyor, workers on both sides hang live chickens to the slaughter line
4. The remaining empty chicken crates are automatically transported to the crate washer and automatically cleaned
5. The cleaned crates are transported to the stacking device through the conveyor
6. Automatically stack the washed chicken crates into three groups, nine crates in each group
7. The worker transfers the assembled crates to a suitable location for storage

live bird Chicken cage washer
live bird Chicken cage washer
live bird Chicken cage washer
live bird Chicken cage washer

The process does not require manual intervention except for feeding and discharging, which is safer and more energy efficient.

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